Get Involved in National Ladder Safety Month with Free Online Training

Resources from American Ladder Institute easily integrate into training protocols

February 25, 2025—They’re too big to fit in a toolbox, but ladders are still among the most common tools used by any tradesman. And, just like other tools, the safe usage of ladders is paramount to a successful day at a work—and returning home at the end of the day in one piece.

The American Ladder Institute (ALI) sponsors National Ladder Safety Month every March to raise awareness of safe ladder usage, help decrease ladder-related injuries and fatalities caused by misuse, and increase the number of people who complete the Ladder Safety Training program. 

Each year’s National Ladder Safety Month has its own theme and focus areas for each week in the month. This year’s theme is Every Step Matters. Topics of weekly focus are:

  • Week 1: Training and Awareness
  • Week 2: Inspection and Maintenance
  • Week 3: Stabilization, Setup, and Accessories
  • Week 4: Safe Climbing and Positioning

A special webinar series begins March 10. Registration for each event can be found at Topics include Common Ladder Accidents and How to Avoid Them (March 10), Ladder Safety: Set Up & Pro Tips (March 17), and DIY/Homeowner Ladder Safety (March 24).

ALI makes many other online ladder safety training tools available all year long. They can be found at ALI’s dedicated safety training website, The site makes safety training easy, with an organized curriculum, videos, and resource libraries. The site and its related training are completely free.  

Helping to promote safety and the success of National Ladder Safety Month are our sponsors. This year’s Middle Rung sponsors are International Masonry InstituteInternational Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, and Werner Co. First Rung sponsors are Riverdale Plating & Heat TreatDorsey & Whitney, and Louisville Ladder.

American Ladder Institute Releases 2024 Ladder Safety Training and Citations Survey

Free safety training is available at

January 15, 2025—The American Ladder Institute (ALI), the only approved developer of safety standards for the U.S. ladder industry, has released findings from its 2024 Ladder Safety Training and Citations Survey. Results reveal preferred methods of ladder safety education as well as types of ladder-related accidents and injuries, frequency and types of ladder citations, and how rates compare to surveys from 2016, 2018, and 2020. 


Survey participants were asked what type of ladder-related accidents or incidents have occurred at their organization over the last two years. The most common cause of these incidents was the ladder being set up incorrectly, followed by using the wrong ladder for the job (too long, too short, wrong material, wrong application).

From 2020 to 2024, there was a 21% decrease in ladder-related accidents that resulted in serious injury or loss of life.

The survey found that nearly all organizations (98%) use a form of ladder safety training. The year-over-year comparison shows an increase in the number of organizations paying for safety training (35%, up from 28% in 2020). Similar to 2016, 2018, and 2020, in 2024 more than 75% of the organizations mandate training and have done so for many years.

Organizations don’t need to pay for ladder safety training. ALI provides robust, absolutely free-of-charge ladder safety training at its dedicated training website,

The site makes safety training easy all year long, with an organized curriculum, training videos, and resource libraries, all completely free. Training courses are designed to seamlessly complement and integrate with an organization’s existing training program, or managers can choose to use the entire program. 

After signing up, trainers and training managers develop a custom dashboard, called a Trainer’s Toolbox, in which they select training and testing, assign them to trainees, and monitor trainee performance and progress on the assignments. The Toolbox is designed for ultimate flexibility and ease of use. Topics covered include single and extension, articulated, mobile, and stepladders. Training is available in English or Spanish. 

Taking training on does not require an invitation from a trainer. Anyone who wishes to enhance their awareness of ladder safety can sign up, take training, and be tested. 

ALI believes that continuous safety training is the best way to empower workers to make the right decisions when using ladders. To raise further awareness about ladder safety, ALI has designated every March as National Ladder Safety Month and unveils an intensive, four-week educational outreach program each year at that time. More information can be found at

The 2024 Ladder Safety Training and Citations Survey was distributed to ladder safety training managers and professionals by ALI’s Education & Outreach Committee and Thomas Associates, Inc., based in Cleveland, Ohio. The survey is part of ALI’s ongoing effort to reduce ladder-related incidents and promote ladder safety training for all ladder users, both in professional settings and at home.

To read the 2024 Ladder Safety Training and Citations Survey, visit

Every Step Matters: National Ladder Safety Month Coming in March

Resources and training from American Ladder Institute help keep workers safe

November 14, 2024 –The months leading up to March and National Ladder Safety Month are critical because the milestone month does more than amplify a safety message; it also celebrates message penetration and accident reduction. The American Ladder Institute (ALI), the only approved developer of safety standards for the U.S. ladder industry, is the presenting sponsor of National Ladder Safety Month. ALI believes ladder accidents are preventable with thorough safety planning, training, and continuous innovation in product design. Through its advocacy for and promotion of Ladder Safety Month, people, organizations, and businesses receive and, in turn, help spread the message. Most important, more people learn about proper ladder safety.

Each year’s National Ladder Safety Month has its own theme and focus areas for each week in the month. This year’s theme is Every Step Matters. Topics of weekly focus are:

  • Week 1: Training and Awareness
  • Week 2: Inspection and Maintenance
  • Week 3: Stabilization, Setup, and Accessories
  • Week 4: Safe Climbing and Positioning

The goals of National Ladder Safety Month are to raise awareness of ladder safety, decrease injuries and fatalities caused by ladder misuse, and increase the number of people certified in Ladder Safety Training.

There are so many resources available to help properly train all tradespeople on how to use a ladder safely and effectively. ALI itself maintains three separate websites loaded with valuable information. Of particular interest should be As its URL makes clear, the site is ALI’s central hub for ladder safety training material of every type. 

Individual users can register and deepen skills or brush up on safety. Managers and supervisors can customize curriculum for employees, create work groups, email training notices to their team members, and track who is taking their training – and how they’re doing on their tests. 

Helping to motivate safety and the success of Ladder Safety Month are its sponsors. If you are interested in National Ladder Safety Month 2025 sponsorships, view our prospectus or contact ALI for more information.

National Ladder Safety Month 2025

About the American Ladder Institute

Founded in 1947, the American Ladder Institute (ALI) is a not-for-profit trade association dedicated to promoting safe ladder use through ladder safety resources, safety training, and the development of ANSI ladder safety standards. ALI also represents the common business interests of its members, who are comprised of the leading ladder and ladder component manufacturers in the United States and Canada. National Ladder Safety Month, observed each March and spearheaded by ALI, is the only program dedicated exclusively to promoting ladder safety, at home and at work.

Ladder Safety Month:Every Step Matters … and So Does Every Sponsor

American Ladder Institute offers sponsorships for 2025 campaign

September 5, 2024—This past March, the message of National Ladder Safety Month reached millions of people. Now, the American Ladder Institute (ALI) is seeking sponsors for the 2025 campaign, so it can reach even more. The sponsorship is a valuable brand extension for any company invested in the manufacture of ladders OR in their safe use. Companies with employees working at heights understand the value of emphasizing safety and its impact on accident prevention and saving lives.

National Ladder Safety Month 2025

Observed every March, National Ladder Safety Month is the only program dedicated exclusively to promoting ladder safety at home and work. Each year, tens of thousands are injured and hundreds die in accidents caused by improper ladder usage. The reach of National Ladder Safety Month only expands with the support of its sponsors. They are the driving force behind helping to raise awareness on safe use and decreasing these tragic numbers.

ALI, the only approved developer of safety standards for the U.S. ladder industry, is the present sponsor for National Ladder Safety Month. Other major sponsorship opportunities are also available and can be found by reading the 2025 prospectus.

Sponsorship packages are available at a variety of participation levels, each with a slate of promotional benefits for sponsors, including logo appearance on materials, tagged recognition in social media posts, social media mentions, listings in press releases, dedicated email blasts to ALI’s database of more than 23,500, web banner ads, and more. The 2024 campaign delivered to sponsors more than 900,000 social media impressions, more than 264 million press release impressions, and an email open-rate of 38%, which is 13% higher than the industry average.

The Top Cap sponsor (limited to one) earns the most benefits, for a participation level of $25,000. There are also opportunities for Middle Rung Sponsors, First Rung Sponsors, Supporting Partners, Associates, and more, with participation levels starting at just $500.

To become a sponsor, email

The theme of National Ladder Safety Month 2025 is “Every Step Matters.” It serves as a reminder of the necessity to be present and mindful at all times on a ladder, as well as the importance of making ladder safety part of regular safety training. The goals of the campaign are to raise awareness of ladder safety, decrease injuries and fatalities caused by ladder misuse, and increase the number of people certified in Ladder Safety Training.

About the American Ladder Institute

Founded in 1947, the American Ladder Institute (ALI) is a not-for-profit trade association dedicated to promoting safe ladder use through ladder safety resources, safety training, and the development of ANSI ladder safety standards. ALI also represents the common business interests of its members, who are comprised of the leading ladder and ladder component manufacturers in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. National Ladder Safety Month, observed each March and spearheaded by ALI, is the only program dedicated exclusively to promoting ladder safety at home and at work.

Free Online Training and Webinars for Safe Ladder Usage in Construction/Building Trades 

Resources from American Ladder Institute easily integrate into training protocols

April 11, 2024—Ladders are ever-present tools for a variety of jobs and projects, making them extremely common in construction, contracting, and building trades. Whether you own a construction company, manage and supervise a crew, or are a sole proprietor, safety should be important to you. It’s a matter of keeping your employees and/or yourself productive and free from harm.

safety month 2024 logo

Because of the ubiquity of ladders, it can be easy to assume you already know everything there is to know about using them safely and properly. However, wise contractors understand that it’s dangerous to be lulled into a false sense of security about the most common tools. 

The American Ladder Institute (ALI), the ANSI-approved developer of ladder safety standards, offers free, comprehensive training at its Ladder Safety Training site, The site makes safety training easy all year long, with an organized curriculum, video, and resource libraries. The site and its related training are completely free.  

Training courses are designed to seamlessly complement and integrate with an organization’s existing training program. Managers can choose as much or as little as they require; use the entire program wholesale or select a la carte to bolster gaps in their own training. 

After signing up, trainers and training managers can develop a custom dashboard, called a Trainer’s Toolbox, in which they select training and testing, assign them to trainees, and monitor trainee performance and progress on the assignments. These dashboards can track everything from a handful of trainees for smaller organizations all the way up to hundreds for larger enterprises.

Every March, ALI brings you Ladder Safety Month to focus on ladder safety topics. Although you might have missed this past March’s special programming, you can still access it online. This year’s Ladder Safety Month topics were: Training and Awareness (Week One); Inspection and Maintenance (Week Two); Stabilization, Setup, and Accessories (Week Three); and Safe Climbing and Positioning (Week Four).

There was a special online webinar each week, hosted by industry giants Werner Co. and Louisville Ladder. On-demand recordings for each can be found at Topics include:

·         Training & Awareness

·         Ladder Inspection, Maintenance, and Proper Use

·         Stabilization, Setup, and Accessories

·         Ladder Inspection, Maintenance, and Proper Use (Spanish)

Helping to motivate safety and the success of Ladder Safety Month are its sponsors. This year’s Middle Rung sponsors were: International Masonry InstituteInternational Union of Bricklayers and Allied CraftworkersWerner Co., and Louisville Ladder. The First Rung sponsors were Dorsey & Whitney LLP and the National Association of Home Builders.

About the American Ladder Institute

Founded in 1947, the American Ladder Institute (ALI) is a not-for-profit trade association dedicated to promoting safe ladder use through ladder safety resources, safety training, and the development of ANSI ladder safety standards. ALI also represents the common business interests of its members, who are comprised of the leading ladder and ladder component manufacturers in the United States and Canada. National Ladder Safety Month, observed each March and spearheaded by ALI, is the only program dedicated exclusively to promoting ladder safety, at home and at work.

National Ladder Safety Month is Coming

Now is the time to register employees for safety training

February 21, 2024—National Ladder Safety Month is observed next month, as it is every March. Begun by the American Ladder Safety Institute (ALI), the event raises awareness about ladder safety and encourages employers and their workers to engage in annual ladder safety training. In industrial settings, ladders and climbing are often integral to certain job functions, so safe practices are critical to success.

Upcoming safety month

If your job responsibility includes employee safety, now is the time for you to sign up at ALI’s Ladder Safety Training site,, and prepare for training. The site makes safety training easy all year long, with an organized curriculum, video, and resource libraries – all completely free. 

Training courses are designed to seamlessly complement and integrate with an organization’s existing training program. Managers can choose as much or as little as they require; use the entire program wholesale or select a la carte to bolster gaps in their own training. 

After signing up, trainers and training managers can develop a custom dashboard, called a Trainer’s Toolbox, in which they select training and testing, assign them to trainees, and monitor trainee performance and progress on the assignments. These dashboards can track everything from a handful of trainees for smaller organizations all the way up to hundreds for larger enterprises.

Topics covered include single and extension, articulated, mobile, and stepladders, with courses available in English or Spanish. 

Taking training on does not require an invitation from a trainer. Anyone who wishes to enhance their awareness of ladder safety can sign up. And, obviously, training is available 24/7/365 – not only during Ladder Safety Month.

These four weeks each year allow ALI to take deep dives into different aspects of ladder safety, narrowing in tightly on one topic each week, to promote safety tips and training. This year’s topics include Week One: Training and Awareness; Week Two: Inspection and Maintenance; Week Three: Stabilization, Setup, and Accessories; and Week Four: Safe Climbing and Positioning.

About the American Ladder Institute

Founded in 1947, the American Ladder Institute (ALI) is a not-for-profit trade association dedicated to promoting safe ladder use through ladder safety resources, safety training, and the development of ANSI ladder safety standards. ALI also represents the common business interests of its members who are comprised of the leading ladder and ladder component manufacturers in the United States and Canada. National Ladder Safety Month, observed each March and spearheaded by ALI, is the only program dedicated exclusively to promoting ladder safety at home and at work.